Maiden Erlegh School in Reading rated as 'GOOD' in first Ofsted inspection
We are proud to announce the publication of Ofsted’s report on its inspection of Maiden Erlegh School in Reading which can be found here.
The inspection took place on the 5 and 6 June 2018 and the school has been graded as good in all four categories (Leadership and Management, Teaching, Learning and Assessment, Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare and Outcomes) and for Overall Effectiveness.
The reports highlights many areas of strengths, not least the school’s ethos “built on the values of equality and inclusion”, the relationships in the school and how well the teachers know their students and the behaviour in lessons and around the school. Leaders and teachers are also praised for their vision, their commitment to continuous improvement and their expertise.
It also acknowledges that “this strongly developing new school benefits from experienced leadership and effective support from the Maiden Erlegh Trust.”
We are immensely proud of all those, past and present, who have contributed to the vision and success of the school and we are confident that it will go from strength to strength.
Mary Davies
Executive Headteacher