
Our governance puts the interests of our children and young people at the forefront of all it does and upholds and models our values. In so doing, it also considers the impact of decisions on staff workload and wellbeing and how it can support and develop colleagues across the organisation. 

The governance of the Trust is overseen by the Members, who have oversight of the work of the Trust Board. The Trust Board, amongst other things, is responsible for setting the strategic direction of the Trust, and holds the Chief Executive Officer to account for the educational and financial performance of the Trust. In this way, the Board ensures the highest educational standards and can clearly demonstrate financial probity and the management of risk.

Each school has its own School Advisory Board (SAB) which is accountable to the Trust. Each SAB works closely with the Headteacher of their school to provide support and challenge in the context of the Trust’s strategic vision and values. The SAB has an important community-facing role, ensuring that each school meets the needs of the students in its care and contributes positively to the local community.  Through harnessing local knowledge, resources and relationships to benefit our children and their communities, the SAB provides local input and feedback to the Trust to ensure accountability to local stakeholders and effectiveness in decision-making. In addition, the SAB works with the Headteacher to ensure the good reputation of the school and Trust is maintained within the community and beyond. 

Maiden Erlegh Trust - Governance Structure

Executive Leadership Team

The Trust reviews its governance arrangements annually and our updated governance document can be found below.

All Members, Trustees and Local Advisory Board members are expected to sign the Code of Conduct and adhere to the 7 principles of public life.